These schedules indicate the recommended ages for routine administration of currently licensed childhood vaccines, as of December 1, 2007, for children aged 0 through 18 years.
CDC: Most US teens fail to get recommended 8 hours of sleep, report finds
A CDC report shows only 23% of U.S. teens get enough sleep, with disparities highlighting the need for targeted health interventions.
Food Insecurity and the Dangers of Infant Formula Dilution
FDA bans red no. 3 in food and ingested drugs
Manufacturers who use red no. 3 in food and and ingested drugs will have until January 15, 2027 or January 18, 2028, respectively, to reformulate their products.
Demystifying Infant Formula
CDC releases youth risk dietary behavior report from 2013-2023
According to the report, several key dietary behaviors such as daily fruit or vegetable intake among high school students were trending in the wrong direction.
Kyriakie Sarafoglou, MD, discusses crinecerfont FDA approval for congenital adrenal hyperplasia
The lead clinical trial investigator for a phase 3 study of crinecerfont in pediatric CAH patients breaks down the December 2024 FDA approval.