Annual Editorial Index




Adler F: see Brosnan D
Andrews JS: see McGuinn T
Anthony EY: see Chauvin NA
Asch-Goodkin J, Joffe A
On immunizing teenagers. 3, Aug (Suppl) Quality care vs. bottom line? 74, Feb Varicella vaccines: Time for a second dose. 9, Aug (Suppl)

Balk SJ, Forman JA, Johnson CL, Roberts JR
Safeguarding kids from environmental hazards. 64, Mar

Baxter P, Mann K
Splish, splash-what went wrong in the bath? 30, Jul

Belamarich P: see Shapiro S Bennett HJ
Ring in the New Year with a bounty of clinical tips. 78, Jan

Biagioli F, Chesnutt J, Eiff M, Paladine H, Powers E
Managing overweight adolescents. 37, Jun

Biancaniello, T: see Morelli P Blackman JA
NICU micropreemies: How do they fare? 64, Feb

Blake DR, Huppert J
Addressing teen contraception. 38, Aug

Block SL
Under the scope: Pentavalent rotavirus vaccine. 5, Aug (Suppl)

Bolte RG
The crying child: What are they trying to tell you? Part 1. 74, May

The crying child: What are they trying to tell you? Part 2. 90, Jun

Bothe DA, Olness KN
Worried sick: Anxiety among youth, Part 1. 58, Jul

Worried sick: Anxiety among youth, Part 2. 82, Aug

Braganza SF, Larkin M
Riding high on energy drinks. 61, May

Brosnan D, Le-Bucklin K, Adler F
Fever and cutaneous lesions in a 2-year-old toddler: More than skin deep? 24, Mar

Brown K
Dermatoses of summer. 13, Jun (Suppl)

Cambria MJ
Just another bellyache? 28, Jun

Caplan J: see Usher C
Cantwell GP: see Douglas D
Chandran L: see Morelli P
Chapman C
A persistent crusted plaque on the lower eyelid. 20, May

Chauvin NA, Chen MY, Anthony, EY
Air in all the wrong places: Subtle and not-so-subtle plain radiograph findings. 32, Feb

Chawla S
Ring around the nevus. 33, Nov

Chesnutt J: see Biagioli F
Chen MY: see Chauvin NA
Christakis DA, Zimmerman FJ
Children and television: A primer for pediatricians. 31, Mar

Cohen BA: see Hernandez RG
Corey S: see Flandry JN
Cowan D
Chicken skin in a 10-year-old boy. 18, Feb

Cruz M: see Taylor D
Davis LS: see Flandry JN
DelBello DA: see Harrington JW
Douglas D, Sciuto L, Swaminathan S, Cantwell G
The wheezing "red herring." 22, Feb

Eiff M: see Biagioli F
Epstein R
Ticked off about armpit redness. 29, Dec

Faghih S
A pox on you. 24, Jun

Farasat S
Blueberries on a toddler. 25, Jul

Findlay J
Treating atopic dermatitis. 4, Jun (Suppl)

Fine B
Postscript: Building hope, and a hospital, in Sri Lanka. 136, Oct

Fiorino KN
Vomiting and altered mental status in an adolescent. 33, May

Fisher P
First and second seizure: What to know and do. 80, Apr

Flandry JN, Corey S, Davis LS
Blister boy. 46, Sep

Forman J: see Balk S
Freed GL: see Tarini BA
Galioto, Jr. FM
Child chest pain: A course of action. 47, May

Ginsburg KR
Viewing our adolescent patients through a positive lens. 65, Jan

Glascoe F
Five reasons to screen well for developmental and behavioral problems. 72, Jul

Goldenring JM
What to tell parents before they leave the hospital. 52, Apr

Haggerty B: see Mallozzi J Hanson D
A 3-year-old with buttock pain. 29, Aug

Haque M
Those annoying acne bumps on the back of my neck won't go away. 22, Apr

Harrington JW, DelBello DA, Levy DM
Limping in a child with autism. 26, Apr

Hernandez RG, Cohen BA
The rash of summertime exanthems. 39, Jul

Heyman RB
Combating underage drinking with the 6Gs. 63, Jun

Hickey RW: see Thomas DGHubbard E, Stellwagen L, Wolf A
The late preterm infant: A little baby with big needs. 51, Nov

Huppert J: see Blake DRHurwitz RA: see Mallozzi JInsinger A
New codes for 2007: What you need to know. 86, Jan Rx for a healthy practice: Write it off? 82, May The right time for modifier 25. 110, Oct

Jain S, Joshi D
Why does this baby refuse to walk? 33, Sep

Jana L
Bookshelf: ADHD books for children and parents. 108, Apr Bookshelf: Back-to-school books. 110, Sep

Jellinek MS
Virginia Tech: How as pediatricians we can respond. 10, May

Jellinek MS: see Mallozzi J
Jellinek MS: see Usher C
Joffe A: see Asch-Goodkin J
Johnson C: see Balk S
Joshi D: see Jain S
Khan FS
Abdominal pain: What really lies beneath? 44, Oct

Kaplowitz P
Thyroid testing: When to worry (not often) and when to reassure. 58, Jan

Kim C: see Neu N
Lantos J see Ryan J
Larkin M: see Braganza S
Lau KK
Strategies for asymptomatic proteinuria. 102, Oct

Le-Bucklin: see Brosnan D
Levy D: see Harrington J
Lipton G: see Shapiro S
Lowes R
Can Google make you a better doctor? 102, Jun

Mallozzi J, Haggerty B, Hurwitz RA, Jellinek MS, Pescovitz OH, Schmitt B, Schor EL, Tighe S
A champion for children. 52, Dec

Mann K: see Baxter P
Masek B
A 4-year-old who won't join the potty people. 82, Jul

McGuinn T, Andrews JS
Beyond the pale. 30, Jan

McMillan JA
A world without children-Just imagine. 8, Feb An unacceptable remedy for asthma. 9, Aug Children beyond our reach. 9, Jun Follow-up: "Better late than never." 11, Oct Has anybody seen summer? 9, Sep Legislating the public health. 9, Mar Pediatric residency training: One size doesn't fit all. 9, Jul Thanks to two who were there at the beginning. 10, Dec The near-term or late preterm infant: Every week counts. 9, Nov The pediatric hospitalist: A role model from the 20th century. 8, Apr "Well child care" What do we really mean? How can we do it better? 9, Jan

Moore JE
Questions and answers about multiple births. 39, Jan

Morelli P, Biancaniello T, Chandran L
The essentials of pediatric ECGs: Part 1. 49, Sep The essentials of pediatric ECGs: Part 2. 62, Oct

Nagler J: see Wolf CMNeu N, Kim C, Roberts A
Keeping HIV in the index of suspicion. 46, Mar

Niolet P: see Sorensen RU
Olness K: see Bothe D
Paladine H: see Biagioli F
Parker S: see Vanderbilt D
Pescovitz OH: see Mallozzi J
Powers E: see Biagioli F
Rice B
Time for a second shift? 98, Sep

Roberts A: see Neu N
Roberts J: see Balk S
Rodriguez PA: see Smith HD
Chronic distended abdomen with pain. 24, Nov

Ryan J
Postscript: Getting the lead out. 80, Nov Postscript: Peter Pan's pediatricians. 112, May Postscript: Read up on how to fight illiteracy. 124, Jun Postscript: Stopping pediatric dental disease. 148, Sep

Ryan J, Lantos J
Postscript: What is a physician's responsibility? 120, Aug

Sanders T: see Wolf CM
Schmitt B: see Mallozzi J
Schor EL: see Mallozzi J
Schuman AJ
A pediatrician at Toy Fair, Part I. 76, Jun Educating parents with an office newsletter. 95, Aug Postscript: Cell phone interference. 136, Mar Postscript: The last well visit. 116, Jul Postscript: Thank you, Dr. Broselow. 88, Dec When parents-to-be ask about cord blood banking. 73, Sep The ABCs of toy safety: More than just child's play. 49, Jul The best new products of 2007. 60, Dec

Sciuto L: see Douglas D
Shaikh N
A 2 1BC2-year-old with red spots. 34, Aug

Sidbury R: see Wolf CM
Silverberg NB
A practical approach to molluscum contagiosum, Part 1. 73, Aug A practical approach to molluscum contagiosum, Part 2. 63, Sep

Simoneau T: see Wolf CM
Smith HD: see Rodriguez PA
Sorensen RU, Niolet P
Eating away allergies. 61, Aug

Starr HL
The impact of culture on ADHD. 38, Dec

Stellwagen L: see Hubbard E
Story J
Something's drilling into my eye. 25, Jan

Swaminathan S: see Douglas D
Tarini BA, Freed GL
Keeping up with the newborn screening revolution. 36, Apr

Taylor D, Cruz M, Triumfo J
Preparing your office for emergencies-the psychosocial kind. 87, Feb

Terry K
Billing for online consults. 82, Mar

Thomas DG, Hickey RW
Episodic pain in a school-aged child. 21, Dec

Tighe S: see Mallozzi J
Triumfo J: see Taylor D
Usher C, Caplan J, Jellinek MS
Crossing the invisible line: Overcoming resistance to psychiatric care referral. 38, Nov

Vanderbilt D, Wang CJ, Parker S
The do's in preemie neurodevelopment. 84, Sep

Varley CK
Getting to know your headmeds. 85, Oct

Wang C: see Vanderbilt D
Weiss E
Cayenne pepper boy. 21, Mar

Wolf A: see Hubbard E
Wolf CM, Sanders TA, Sidbury R, Simoneau TC, Nagler J
A scaly rash: A diagnosis that rings deep. 56, Oct

Zimmerman FJ: see Christakis DA


Those annoying acne bumps on the back of my neck won't go away. (Haque) 22, Apr

Bookshelf: ADHD books for children and parents. (Jana) 108, Apr
Getting to know your headmeds. (Varley) 85, Oct
The impact of culture on ADHD. (Starr) 38, Dec

Addressing teen contraception. (Blake, Huppert) 38, Aug
Children and television: A primer for pediatricians. (Christakis, Zimmerman) 31, Mar
Combating underage drinking with the 6Gs. (Heyman) 63, Jun
CPR: Teen health/wellness links. 71, Jul
CPR: Teen sexuality links. 90, Aug
Managing overweight adolescents. (Biagioli, et al) 37, Jun
On immunizing teenagers. (Asch-Goodkin, Joffe) 3, Aug (Suppl)
Riding high on energy drinks. (Braganza, Larkin) 61, May
Viewing our adolescent patients through a positive lens. (Ginsburg) 65, Jan
Vomiting and altered mental status in an adolescent. (Fiorino) 33, May
Worried sick: Anxiety among youth, Part 1. (Bothe, Olness, CME) 58, Jul

Combating underage drinking with the 6Gs. (Heyman) 63, Jun
CPR: Treatment centers. 99, Jun
CPR: Underage alcoholism. 75, Jun

CPR: Immunology links. 68, Jul
CPR: Vaccines, from A to Z. 12, Aug (Supp)
Eating away allergies. (Sorensen, Niolet) 61, Aug
On immunizing teenagers. (Asch-Goodkin) 3, Aug (Suppl)
Shouldering vaccination costs. (Rosenberg) 104, Aug
Under the scope: Pentavalent rotavirus vaccine. (Block) 5, Aug (Suppl)
Varicella vaccines: Time for a second dose. (Asch-Goodkin) 9, Aug (Suppl)

Beyond the pale. (Andrews, McGuinn) 30, Jan

Getting to know your headmeds. (Varley) 85, Oct

The crying child: What are they trying to tell you? Part 1. (Bolte, CME) 74, May
The crying child: What are they trying to tell you? Part 2. (Bolte, CME) 90, Jun
Worried sick: Anxiety among youth, Part 1. (Bothe, Olness, CME) 58, Jul
Worried sick: Anxiety among youth, Part 2. (Bothe, Olness, CME) 82, Aug

An unacceptable remedy for asthma. (McMillan) 9, Aug
Asthma meds: Getting to the right answer. (Corjulo) 87 Jul
Ease nebulizer treatment with a serenade. (Reingold) 84, Jul

CPR: Autism spectrum links. 94, Sep
Limping in a child with autism. (Harrington, et al) 26, Apr

CPR: Breastfeeding links. 93, Apr
Eating away allergies. (Sorensen, Niolet) 61, Aug
The late preterm infant: A little baby with big needs. (Hubbard, et, CME) 51, Nov

Bookshelf: ADHD books for children and parents. (Jana) 108, Apr
Bookshelf: Back-to-school books. (Jana) 110, Sep

A 4-year-old who won't join the potty people. (Masek) 82, Jul
Children and television: A primer for pediatricians. (Christakis, Zimmerman) 31, Mar
Combating underage drinking with the 6Gs. (Heyman) 63, Jun
CPR: Late talker links. 92, Aug.
CPR: Teen health/wellness links. 71, Jul
CPR: Teen sexuality links. 90, Aug
CPR: Temper tantrum links. 96, Sep
CPR: Toilet training links. 67, Jul
CPR: Underage alcoholism. 75, Jun
Eating away allergies. (Sorensen, Niolet) 61, Aug
Five reasons to screen well for developmental and behavioral problems. (Glascoe) 72, Jul
Keeping up with the newborn screening revolution. (Tarini, Freed) 36, Apr
Postscript: Getting the lead out. (Ryan) 80, Nov
The crying child: What are they trying to tell you? Part 1 (Bolte, CME) 74, Jun
The crying child: What are they trying to tell you? Part 2 (Bolte, CME) 90, Jun
The do's in preemie neurodevelopment. (Vanderbilt, et al, CME) 84, Sept
The impact of culture on ADHD. (Starr) 38, Dec
The late preterm infant: A little baby with big needs. (Hubbard, et al, CME) 51, Nov
Worried sick: Anxiety among youth, Part 1. (Bothe, Olness, CME) 58, Jul
Worried sick: Anxiety among youth, Part 2. (Bothe, Olness, CME) 82, Aug

A hiccup cure that works-really. 92, May
An exam without tears is music to the ears. 88, Jul
Another trick to quiet a crying baby. 93, Feb
Asthma meds: Getting to the right answer. 87, Jul
Bubbles and the art of medicine. 88, Mar
Chips for chips. 114, Oct
Ease nebulizer treatment with a serenade. 84, Jul
Farm stand pediatrics. 104, Sep
Fear of physicals? Try disco. 98, Mar
Pictures for pacifiers. 69, Dec
Ring in the New Year with a bounty of clinical tips. 78, Jan
Shouldering vaccination costs. 104, Aug
Simple queries that promote cultural exchange. 98, Apr
'Spaghetti arms'-a relaxing concept. 93, Mar
Text therapy: It WFM. 65, Nov
The powers of a smoothie. 116, Oct
Up your nose with a rubber hose. 106, Jun
Using parents as exam tools. 108, Jun
Warm and fuzzy circumcision. 66, Nov

New codes for 2007: What you need to know. (Insinger) 86, Jan
The right time for modifier 25. (Insinger) 110, Oct
Write it off? (Insinger) 82, May

Addressing teen contraception. (Blake, Huppert) 38, Aug
CPR: Teen sexuality links. 90, Aug

CPR: Umbilical cord blood links. 97, Sep
When parents-to-be ask about cord blood banking. (Schuman) 73, Sep

Combating underage drinking with the 6Gs. (Heyman) 63, Jun
Managing overweight adolescents. (Biagioli, et al) 37, Jun
Viewing our adolescent patients through a positive lens. (Ginsburg) 65, Jan
What to tell parents before they leave the hospital. (Goldenring) 52, Apr

CPR: Autism spectrum links. 94, Sep
CPR: Breastfeeding links. 93, Apr
CPR: Environmental health resources. (Balk) 80, Mar
CPR: Gastroenterology. 67, Dec
CPR: HIV camps. 104, Mar
CPR: Immunology links. 68, Jul
CPR: Late talker links. 92, Aug.
CPR: Oral health links. 93, Sep
CPR: Parenting Web sites. 96, Jun
CPR: Pediatric cardiology links. 88, May
CPR: Pediatric HIV links. 102, Mar
CPR: Pediatric organizations. 106, Mar
CPR: Pediatric practice Web sites. 90, May
CPR: Pediatric urology links. 109, Oct
CPR: Poor eating habits. 50, Nov
CPR: Seizure links. 90, Apr
CPR: Teen health/wellness links. 71, Jul
CPR: Teen sexuality links. 90, Aug
CPR: Temper tantrum links. 96, Sep
CPR: Toilet training links. 67, Jul
CPR: Toy safety links. 64, Jul
CPR: Treatment centers links. 99, Jun
CPR: Umbilical cord blood links. 97, Sep
CPR: Underage alcoholism links. 75, Jun
CPR: Vaccines, from A to Z. 12, Aug (Supp)

Crossing the invisible line: Overcoming resistance to psychiatric care referral. (Usher, et al) 38, Nov
Getting to know your headmeds. (Varley) 85, Oct

CPR: Oral health links. 93, Sep
Postscript: Stopping pediatric dental disease. (Ryan) 148, Sep

A persistent crusted plaque on the lower eyelid. (Chapman) 20, May
A pox on you. (Faghih) 24, Jun
A practical approach to molluscum contagiosum, Part 1. (Silverberg) 73, Aug
A practical approach to molluscum contagiosum, Part 2. (Silverberg) 63, Sep
A scaly rash: A diagnosis that rings deep. (Wolf, et al) 56, Oct
A 2 1BC2-year-old with red spots. (Shaikh) 34, Aug
Blueberries on a toddler. (Farasat) 25, Jul
Blister boy. (Flandry, et al) 46, Sep
Cayenne pepper boy. (Weiss) 21, Mar
Dermatoses of summer. (Brown) 13, Jun (Suppl)
Eating away allergies. (Sorensen, Niolet) 61, Aug
Ring around the nevus. (Chawla) 33, Nov
The rash of summertime exanthems. (Hernandez, Cohen) 39, Jul
Ticked off about armpit redness. (Epstein) 29, Dec
Treating atopic dermatitis. (Findlay) 4, Jun (Suppl)

Chips for chips. (Browne) 114, Oct
CPR: Teen health/wellness links. 71, Jul
Farm stand pediatrics. (Bedingfield) 104, Sep
Limping in a child with autism. (Harrington, et al) 26, Apr
Managing overweight adolescents. (Biagioli, et al) 37, Jun
Riding high on energy drinks. (Braganza, Larkin) 61, May
The powers of a smoothie. (Bowden) 116, Oct

A scaly rash: A diagnosis that rings deep. (Wolf) Oct
Dermatoses of summer. (Brown) 13, Jun (Suppl)
Eating away allergies. (Sorensen, Niolet) 61, Aug
Safeguarding kids from environmental hazards. (Balk, et al) 64, Mar
The crying child, Part 1. (Bolte, CME) 74, May
Treating atopic dermatitis. (Findlay) 4, Jun (Suppl)

A world without children-just imagine. (McMillan) 8, Feb
An unacceptable remedy for asthma. (McMillan) 9, Aug
Children beyond our reach. (McMillan) 9, Jun
Follow-up: Better late than never. (McMillan) 9, Oct
Has anybody seen summer? (McMillan) 9, Sep
Legislating the public health. (McMillan) 9, Mar
Near-term and late preterm infant: Every week counts. (McMillan) 9, Nov
Pediatric residency training: One size doesn't fit all. (McMillan) 9, Jul
The pediatric hospitalist: A role model from the 20th century. (McMillan) 8, Apr
Thanks to two who were there at the beginning. (McMillan) 10, Dec
Virginia Tech: How as pediatricians we can respond? (Jellinek) 10, May
"Well child care" What do we really mean and how can we do it better? (McMillan) 9, Jan

Is your office emergency ready? 97, Aug

Thyroid testing: When to worry (not often) and when to reassure. (Kaplowitz, CME) 58, Jan

CPR: Environmental health resources. (Balk, et al) 80, Mar
Safeguarding kids from environmental hazards. (Balk, et al, CME) 64, Mar

Chronic distended abdomen with pain. (Rodriquez, Smith) 24, Nov
CPR: Gastroenterology. 67, Dec
The crying child: What are they trying to tell you? Part 1. (Bolte, CME) 74, May
The crying child: What are they trying to tell you? Part 2. (Bolte, CME) 90, Jun
Vomiting and altered mental status in an adolescent. (Fiorino) 33, May

Keeping up with the newborn screening revolution. (Tarini, Freed) 36, Apr

CPR: HIV camps links. 104, Mar
CPR: Pediatric HIV links. 102, Mar
Keeping HIV in the index of suspicion. (Neu, et al) 46, Mar

Child chest pain: A course of action. (Galioto) 47, May
Vomiting and altered mental status in an adolescent. (Fiorino) 33, May

2007 Immunization schedules. 96, Feb
CPR: Immunology links. 68, Jul
CPR: Vaccines, from A to Z. 12, Aug (Supp)
On immunizing teenagers. (Asch-Goodkin, Joffe) 3, Aug (Suppl)
Varicella vaccines: Time for a second dose. (Asch-Goodkin) 9, Aug (Suppl)

CPR: Umbilical cord blood links. 97, Sep
Fetal pulse oximetry not beneficial. 132, Apr
Keeping up with the newborn screening revolution. (Tarini, Freed) 36, Apr
NICU micropreemies: How do they fare? (Blackman, CME) 64, Feb
Questions and answers about multiple births. (Moore) 39, Jan
The do's in preemie neurodevelopment. (Vanderbilt, et al, CME) 84, Sept
The late preterm infant: A little baby with big needs. (Hubbard, et al, CME) 51, Nov
When parents-to-be ask about cord blood banking. (Schuman) 73, Sep

Abdominal pain: What really lies beneath? (Khan) 44, Oct
On immunizing teenagers. (Asch-Goodkin, Joffe) 3, Aug (Suppl)
Postscript: Stopping pediatric dental disease. (Ryan) 148, Sep
The crying child: What are they trying to tell you? Part 1. (Bolte, CME) 74, May
Ticked off about armpit redness. (Epstein) 29, Dec
Under the scope: Pentavalent rotavirus vaccine. (Block) 5, Aug (Suppl)
Varicella vaccines: Time for a second dose. (Asch-Goodkin) 9, Aug (Suppl)

Beyond the pale. (McGuinn, Andrews) 30, Jan

Postscript: Getting the lead out. (Ryan) 80, Nov
Just another bellyache? (Cambria) 28, Jun

NICU micropreemies: How do they fare? (Blackman, CME) 64, Feb
Questions and answers about multiple births. (Moore) 39, Jan

CPR: Umbilical cord blood links. 97, Sep
Fetal pulse oximetry not beneficial. 132, Apr
Keeping up with the newborn screening revolution. (Tarini, Freed) 36, Apr
NICU micropreemies: How do they fare? (Blackman, CME) 64, Feb
The do's in preemie neurodevelopment. (Vanderbilt, et al, CME) 84, Sept
The late preterm infant: A little baby with big needs. (Hubbard, et al, CME) 51, Nov
What to tell parents before they leave the hospital. (Goldenring) 52, Apr
When parents-to-be ask about cord blood banking. (Schuman) 73, Sep

The best new products of 2007. (Schuman) 60, Dec

Children and television: A primer for pediatricians. (Christakis, Zimmerman) 31, Mar
Chips for chips (Browne). 114, Oct
CPR: Poor eating habits. 50, Nov
CPR: Teen health/wellness links. 71, Jul
Farm stand pediatrics. (Bedingfield) 104, Sep
Managing overweight adolescents. (Biagioli, et al) 37, Jun

Choosing the right toys for your child. 57, Jul
Going home with your late preterm infant. 59, Nov
Guide for new parents. 74, Aug
Helping your child cope with stress. 88, Aug
Questions and answers about multiple births. 39, Jan
Seizure: Fast facts for parents. 80, Aug
Top 10 TV pitfalls. 45, Mar
Umbilical cord blood banking. 83, Sept

Questions and answers about multiple births. (Moore) 39, Jan
Ring in the New Year with a bounty of clinical tips. (Bennett) 78, Jan

Child chest pain: A course of action. (Galioto) 47, May
CPR: Pediatric cardiology links. 88, May
The essentials of pediatric ECGs, Part 1. (Morelli, et al) 49, Sep
The essentials of pediatric ECGs, Part 2. (Morelli, et al) 62, Oct
The wheezing "red herring." (Douglas, et al) 22, Feb

Why does this baby refuse to walk? (Jain, Joshi) 33, Sep
Episodic pain in a school-aged child. (Thomas, Hickey) 21, Dec

A 3-year-old with buttock pain. (Hanson) 29, Aug
CPR: Pediatric urology links. 109, Aug
Ring in the New Year with a bounty of clinical tips. (Bennett) 78, Jan
Strategies for asymptomatic proteinuria. (Lau, CME) 102, Oct

Postscript: Building hope, and a hospital, in Sri Lanka. (Fine) 136, Oct
Postscript: Cell phone interference. (Schuman) 136, Mar
Postscript: Getting the lead out. (Ryan) 80, Nov
Postscript: Peter Pan's pediatricians. (Ryan) 112, May
Postscript: Read up on how to fight illiteracy. (Ryan) 124, Jun
Postscript: Stopping pediatric dental disease. (Ryan) 148, Sep
Postscript: Thank you, Dr. Broselow. (Schuman) 88, Dec
Postscript: The last well visit. (Schuman) 116, Jul
Postscript: What is a physician's responsibility? (Ryan, Lantos) 120, Aug

Billing for online consults. (Terry) 82, Mar
Can Google make you a better doctor? (Lowes) 102, Jun
CPR: Pediatric practice Web sites. 90, May
Educating parents with an office newsletter. (Schuman) 95, Aug
Is your practice emergency ready? 97, Aug
New codes for 2007: What you need to know. (Insinger) 86, Jan
Preparing your office for emergencies-the psychosocial kind. (Taylor, et al) 87, Feb
Quality care vs. bottom line? (Asch-Goodkin) 74, Feb
The right time for modifier 25. (Insinger) 110, Oct
Time for a second shift? (Rice) 98, Sep
Write it off? (Insinger) 82, May

Annular erythema in children. 37, Dec
Asking the right questions. 64, March
Is your office emergency ready? 97, Aug
Teaming up with parents. 71, Jun

Crossing the invisible line: Overcoming resistance to psychiatric care referral. (Usher, et al) 38, Nov
Getting to know your headmeds. (Varley) 85, Oct

Air in all the wrong places: Subtle and not-so-subtle plain radiograph findings. (Chauvin, et al) 32, Feb
The essentials of pediatric ECGs, Part 1. (Chandran, et al) 49, Sep
The essential of pediatric ECGs, Part 2. (Chandran, et al) 62, Oct

Worried sick: Anxiety among youth, Part 1. (Bothe, Olness, CME) 58, Jul
Worried sick: Anxiety among youth, Part 2. (Bothe, Olness, CME) 82, Aug
Five reasons to screen well for developmental and behavioral problems. (Glascoe) 72, Jul
Keeping up with the newborn screening revolution. (Tarini, Freed) 36, Apr
Strategies for asymptomatic proteinuria. (Lau) 102, Oct

First and second seizure: What to know and do. (Fisher, CME) 80, Apr
Seizure links. 90, Apr
Splish, splash-What went wrong in the bath? (Baxter, Mann) 30, Jul

Cayenne pepper boy. (Weiss) 21, Mar
Chicken skin in a 10-year-old boy. (Cowan) 18, Feb
Fever and cutaneous lesions in a 2-year-old toddler: More than skin deep? (Brosnan, et al) 24, Mar
Ring around the nevus. (Chawla) 33, Nov
Something's drilling into my eye. (Story) 25, Jan
Ticked off about armpit redness. (Epstein) 29, Dec

Children and television: A primer for pediatricians. (Christakis, Zimmerman) 31, Mar

Thyroid testing: When to worry (not often) and when to reassure. (Kaplowitz) 58, Jan

A 4-year-old who won't join the potty people. (Masek) 82, Jul
CPR: Toilet training links. 67, Jul

A pediatrician at Toy Fair, Part 1. (Schuman) 76, Jun
CPR:Toy safety links. 64, Jul
The ABCs of toy safety: More than just child's play, Part 2. (Schuman) 49, Jul

A champion for children. (Mallozzi, et al) 52, Dec

A 3-year-old with buttock pain. (Hanson) 29, Aug
CPR: Pediatric urology links. 109, Oct
Strategies for asymptomatic proteinuria. (Lau, CME) 102, Oct

2007 Immunization schedules. 96, Feb
CPR: Immunology links. 68, Jul
CPR: Vaccines, from A to Z. 12, Aug (Supp)
On immunizing teenagers. (Asch-Goodkin) 3, Aug (Suppl)
Under the scope: Pentavalent rotavirus vaccine. (Block) 5, Aug (Suppl)
Varicella vaccines: Time for a second dose. (Asch-Goodkin) 9, Aug (Suppl)

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Willough Jenkins, MD
Screening for and treating the metatarsus adductus foot deformity |  Image Credit: UNFO md ltd
Wendy Ripple, MD
Wendy Ripple, MD
Courtney Nelson, MD
DB-OTO improved hearing to normal in child with profound genetic deafness | Image Credit: © Marija - © Marija -
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