Annual index




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Reprints of all articles are available. For single copies, call Sarah Coxhead, 201-358-7239 or e-mail sarah. . For multiple copies, call Susan Basilico, 201-358-7446 or e-mail susan.

A cumulative index covering issues published from 1995 to 2000 will be available in early spring, 2001. It can be found in the Announcements section online at .


Achauer BM, Vanderkam VM

Treating vascular birthmarks with laser surgery. 91, Mar

Adelman WP, Joffe A

The adolescent with a painful scrotum. 111, Mar

Adzick NS: see Walsh DS

Anderson JE

Co-sleeping: Can we ever put the issue to rest? 98, Jun

Anderson JE, Bluestone D

Breath-holding spells: Scary but not serious. 61, Jan

Arnold S, Bernstein HH

Newborn discharge: A time to be especially thoughtful. 47, Oct

Auletta JJ, Shurin SB

Eosinophilia: What does it mean? 61, Jun

Bacal DA, Wilson MC

Strabismus: Getting it straight. 49, Feb

Ballock RT: see Waanders NA

Barrett DJ: See Skoda-Smith S

Barth JT: see Perriello VA

Benjamin JT

Getting a jump on flu: New options in diagnosis and treatment. 75, Jan

Bernstein HH: see Arnold S

Blatt SS, Meguid V, Church CC

Prenatal cocaine: What's known about outcomes? 43, May

Bluestone D: see Anderson JE

Buchanan GR

ITP: How much treatment is enough? (CME) 112, Apr

Callanan DL

A bellyache (Clinician's Crossword). 136, Sep

Carraccio C: see Englander R

Caruso JM, Brown WD, Tunnessen WW

A 22-month old with abnormal movements of the legs: A novel dance (opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome; Puzzler). 27, Sep

Casale AJ

Daytime wetting: Getting to the bottom of the issue. 107, Feb

Chan E, Gardiner P, Kemper KJ

"At least it's natural...." Herbs and dietary supplements in ADHD. 116, Sep

Christie DL: see Murray KF

Church CC: see Blatt SD

Clauss S, Negrini B, Tunnessen WW

Acute onset of cyanosis in a 6-year-old: Sharpen up the old saw (gastroesophageal reflux; Puzzler). 20, Jun

Cohen B

Pediatric Dermatology: What's your DX? (herpes whitlow) 37, Jan

Pediatric Dermatology: What's your DX? (lipomatosus cutaneous superficialis; Dimson et al) 41, Apr

Pediatric Dermatology: What's your DX? (infantile acne) 29, Jul

Pediatric dermatology: What's your DX? (longitudinal melanonychia) 31, Oct

Conboy LA: see Gardiner P

Copperman NM: see Sondike SB

Dias M, Marcuse EK

When parents resist immunizations. 75, Jul

Dolan JM

Aunt vs. physician: Role strain in action. 169, Mar

Donowitz LG: see Waggoner-Fountain LA

Duffy MM: see McComb TF

Dveirin K, Tunnessen WW

A 14-month-old with polyuria and polydipsia: Searching for buried treasure (Langerhans' cell histiocytosis; Puzzler; Dveirin, Tunnessen). 23, Oct

Eddy A: see Hogg RJ

Edelson M, McKenzie SE

Why is this newborn bleeding? (CME) 60, Jul

Eichenfield LF: see Mendenhall AK

Englander R, Carraccio C

Guns and violence (Clinician's Crossword). 193, Mar

Epstein WL, Guin JD, Maibach HI

Poison ivy update. 54, Apr

Faro A

What every pediatrician needs to know about lung transplants in children. 61, Aug

Ferrer FA, McKenna PH

Current approaches to the undescended testicle (CME). 106, Jan

Fleisher DR

Practical approaches to common gastrointestinal symptoms. 89, Apr

Fuloria M, Wiswell TE

Managing meconium aspiration. 125, Apr

Gardiner P, Conboy LA, Kemper KJ

Herbs and adolescent girls: Avoiding the hazards of self-treatment. 133, Mar

Gardiner P: see Chan E

Garg R, Sard B, Burke MG, Tunnessen WW

Persistent Fever in a 6-year-old: Licking the diagnosis (ehrlichiosis; Puzzler; Garg et al). 27, Apr

Gephart HR, Green M

ADHD: Resources for parents. 133, Sep

Glickstein JS: see Steeg CN

Gottesman RL, Kelly MS

Helping children with learning disabilities toward a brighter adulthood. 42, Nov

Gottlieb BS, Ilowite NT

Meeting the challenge of rheumatologic diseases in teens. 61, Dec

Green M: see Gephart HR

Guin JD: see Epstein WL

Hafeez W, Vuguin P

Managing diabetic ketoacidosis—a delicate balance (CME). 72, Jun

Hale KJ, Heller K

Fluorides: Getting the benefits, avoiding the risks. 121, Feb

Hall CB: see Lee LH

Hanifin JM: see Sidbury R

Hardy JB, Miller TL

Growing up healthy, wealthy , and wise. 63, Feb

Heller K: see Hale KJ

Hellerstein E: see Waanders NA

Hogg RJ, Portman RJ, Milliner D, Lemley KV, Eddy A, Julie Ingelfinger

Recognizing and treating the nephrotic syndrome: Avoid unnecessary delays. 84, Nov

Hyman SL, Levy SE

Autistic spectrum disorders: When traditional medicine is not enough. 101, Oct

Ilowite NT: see Gottlieb BS

Ingelfinger J: see Hogg RJ

Jacobson MS: see Sondike SB

Jenkins RR, Raine T

Helping adolescents prevent unintended pregnancy. 75, May

Joffe A: see Adelman WP

Johnson M, Robin NH

Pediatrics and the Human Genome Project (CME). 100, May

Kaplan EL

PANDAS? Or PAND? Or both? Or neither? 81, Aug

Kapoor S, Kurland G, Tunnessen WW

Recurrent, severe wheezing in a 17-year-old: Seeking a new chord (vocal chord dysfunction; Puzzler). 27, Feb

Kappy MS

Endocrine nondisease: Pituitary and other imposters (part 2).63, Nov

Is it an endocrine disorder or a "non-disease"? (part 1) 83, Oct

Kelly MS: see Gottesman RL

Kemper KJ: see Chan E

Kemper KJ: see Gardiner P

Kirschner C, Kolb A, Pandit S, Tunnessen WW

A 4-week-old with poor weight gain and jaundice: A diagnosis in space (galactosemia; Puzzler). 27, Nov

Korin JB: see Selbst SM

Krauss B: see Pena BMG

Lareau AR

A new approach to early discharge. 73, Oct

Laufer MR: see Propst AM

Lee JC, Gitelman SE, Tunnessen WW

Delayed growth and sexual development in 15-year-old: A rose by any other name (hypogonadism; Puzzler). 25, Dec

Lee LH, Christy C, Tunnessen WW

Seizures in a 17-year old: No fun for this guy (Aspergillus; Puzzler). 27, Aug

Lee LH, Hall CB

Recognizing infection-related arthritis. 119, May

Leickly FE

When the road gets bumpy: Managing chronic urticaria. 58, May

Lemley KV: see Hogg RJ

Levy SE: see Hyman SL

McComb TF, Duffy MM, Pearson IP

Making handouts easy to read. 145, Apr

McDougle C: see Walsh K

McKenna PH: see Ferrer FA

McKenzie S: see Edelson M

McMillan J

A future for pediatrics (Editorial). 9, Feb

Delayed gratification (Editorial). 9, Dec

Goodbye, Cathy—and thank you (Editorial). 9, Nov

Knowledge is power (Editorial). 9, May

Millennium matters (Editorial). 9, Jan

Minimizing risk (Editorial). 9, Aug

Parental allies (Editorial). 9, Oct

Raising Elian. 9, Jun

The competent pediatrician (Editorial). 9, Sep

The love of science (Editorial). 9, Mar

Too much, too little—when what's needed is just right (Editorial). 9, Apr

Under construction (Editorial). 9, Jul

Maibach HI: see Epstein WL

Mancini AJ

Acne vulgaris: A treatment update. 122, Dec

Manco-Johnson MJ: see Nuss R

Marcuse EK: see Dias M

Meguid V: see Blatt SD

Mendenhall AK, Eichenfield LF

Back to basics: Caring for the newborn's skin. 98, Aug

Miller TL: see Hardy JB

Milliner D: see Hogg RJ

Murray KF, Christie DL

Vomiting in infancy: When should you worry? 81, Sep

Nucci AT: see Shaikh U

Nuss R, Manco-Johnson MJ

Venous thrombosis: Issues for the pediatrician. 75, Feb

Olness KN

How humanitarian disasters affect children. 79, Apr

Orenstein J

Update on intussusception. 180, Mar

Osterhoudt KC

The toxic toddler: Drugs that can kill in small doses. 73, Mar

Pearson I: see McComb TF

Pena BMG, Krauss B

Pediatric sedation : Seeing patients safely through (CME). 42, Aug

Perriello VA, Barth JT

Sports concussions: Coming to the right conclusions. 132, Feb

Philipp BL, Powell C, Watt L

The milky way (Clinician's Crossword). 123, Jun

Pongracic JA

Is it food allergy? 101, Dec

Portman RJ: see Hogg RJ

Powell C: see Philipp BL

Pride HB

When a rash is more than a rash: Skin signs of systemic disease. 104, Nov

Propst AM, Laufer MR

Diagnosing and treating adolescent endometriosis. 71, Sep

Raine T: see Jenkins RR

Richter EO, Tunnessen WW

An ataxic teen with rapidly changing eye findings (Guillain-Barré, Miller Fisher variant; Puzzler). 23, Jul

Rivlin D

Books for children who wear eyeglasses (Bookshelf). 127, Nov

Books for children whose pet has died (Bookshelf). 179, Apr

Robin NH: see Johnson M

Rodgers GL

Reducing the toll of childhood burns. 152, Apr

Rutherford L: see Serwint JR

Sandel M, Zotter J

How substandard housing affects children's health. 134, Oct

Schuman AJ

Beyond 2000: Tomorrow's office technologies today. 116, Jan

New products for pediatrics: 2000. 41, Dec

Selbst S, Korin JB

Malpractice and emergency care: Doing right by the patient—and yourself. 88, Jul

Serwint JR, Rutherford L

Sharing bad news with parents. 45, Mar

Shaikh U, Nucci AT

Artificial fingernails: Too hot to handle. 99, Nov

Shet A, Hayani K, Tunnessen WW

Lethargy and nuchal rigidity in a 5-month old: A call for early warning systems (tuberculosis; Puzzler). 27, Mar

Shurin SB: see Auletta JJ

Sidbury R, Hanifin JM

When atopic dermatitis is hard to control. 39, Jul

Skoda-Smith S, Barrett DJ

When earaches and sore throats are more than a pain in the neck (CME). 156, Mar

Sondike SB, Copperman NM, Jacobson MS

Bringing a formidable opponent down to size. 132, May

Stashwick CA

Amenorrhea and acne in the adolescent girl: Is it polycystic ovary syndrome? (CME) 118, Oct

Steeg CN, Walsh CA, Glickstein JS

Rheumatic fever: No cause for complacence. 128, Jan

Steinbach SF

Four controversies in pediatric asthma care. 150, Oct

Thomburg C, Tunnessen WW

Chronic diarrhea in a 15-month-old: Shedding "lyte" on the diagnosis (neuroblastoma on adrenal gland; Puzzler). 42, Jan

Tunnessen WW: Dveirin K

Tunnessen WW: Brown WD

Tunnessen WW: Burke MG

Tunnessen WW:: Caruso JM

Tunnessen WW: Christy C

Tunnessen WW: Clauss S

Tunnessen WW: Friedler S

Tunnessen WW: Garg R

Tunnessen WW: Gitelman SE

Tunnessen WW: Hayani K

Tunnessen WW: Kapoor S

Tunnessen WW: Kirschner C

Tunnessen WW: Kolb A

Tunnessen WW: Kurland G

Tunnessen WW: Lee JC

Tunnessen WW: Lee LH

Tunnessen WW: Negrini B

Tunnessen WW: Pandit S

Tunnessen WW: Richter EO

Tunnessen WW: Sard B

Tunnessen WW: Shet A

Tunnessen WW: Thomburg C

Tunnessen WW: Verdi M

Tunnessen WW: Winter L

Vanderkam VM: see Achauer BM

Varade WS

Hemolytic uremic syndrome: Reducing the risks (CME). 54, Sep

Vuguin P: see Hafeez W

Waanders NA, Hellerstein E, RT Ballock

Nursemaid's elbow: Pulling out the diagnosis. 87, Jun

Waggoner-Fountain LA, Donowitz LG

Infection control in the office: Keeping germs at bay. 43, Sep

Walsh CA: see Steeg CN

Walsh DS, Adzick NS

Fetal intervention: Where we are, where we're going. 33, Jun

Walsh K, McDougle C

When SSRIs make sense. 83, Jan

Watt L: see Philipp BL

Wilson MC: see Bacal DA

Winter L, Friedler S, Verdi M, Tunnessen WW

An 11-year old with fever and arm pain: Make rheum for the diagnosis (systemic lupus erythematosus; Puzzler). 25, May

Wiswell TE: see Fuloria M

Zotter J: see Sandel M



A bellyache (Clinician's Crossword; Callanan). 136, Sep

Chronic diarrhea in a 15-month-old: Shedding "lyte" on the diagnosis (neuroblastoma on adrenal gland; Puzzler; Thomburg, Tunnessen). 42, Jan

Diagnosing and treating adolescent endometriosis (Propst, Laufer). 71, Sep

Practical approaches to common gastrointestinal symptoms (Fleisher). 89, Apr

Update on intussusception (Orenstein). 180, Mar


Amenorrhea and acne in the adolescent girl: Is it polycystic ovary syndrome? (Stashwick; CME) 118, Oct

Pediatric Dermatology: What's your DX? (infantile acne; Cohen) 29, Jul


Artificial fingernails: Too hot to handle (Shaikh, Nucci). 99, Nov

Diagnosing and treating adolescent endometriosis (Propst, Laufer). 71, Sep

Helping adolescents prevent unintended pregnancy (Jenkins, Raine). 75, May

Herbs and adolescent girls: Avoiding the hazards of self-treatment (Gardiner et al). 133, Mar

Meeting the challenge of rheumatologic diseases in teens (Gottlieb, Ilowite). 61, Dec

The adolescent with a painful scrotum (Adelman, Joffe). 111, Mar


Eosinophilia: What does it mean? (Auletta, Shurin) 61, Jun


"At least it's natural...." Herbs and dietary supplements in ADHD (Chan et al). 116, Sep

Autistic spectrum disorders: When traditional medicine is not enough (Hyman, Levy). 101, Oct

Herbs and adolescent girls: Avoiding the hazards of self-treatment (Gardiner et al). 133, Mar


Breath-holding spells: Scary but not serious (Anderson, Bluestone). 61, Jan

The child who has breath-holding spells (Parent Guide). 67, Jan


Pediatric sedation: Seeing patients safely through (Pena, Krauss; CME). 42, Aug

When your child has been sedated (Parent Guide). 51, Aug


When SSRIs make sense (Walsh, McDougle). 83, Jan


Breath-holding spells: Scary but not serious (Anderson, Bluestone). 61, Jan

The child who has breath-holding spells (Parent Guide). 67, Jan


Recognizing infection-related arthritis (Lee, Hall). 119, May


Four controversies in pediatric asthma care (Steinbach). 150, Oct

How substandard housing affects children's health (Sandel, Zotter). 134, Oct

How to use an inhaler (Patient Guide). 167, Oct

Recurrent, severe wheezing in a 17-year-old: Seeking a new chord (vocal chord dysfunction; Puzzler; Kapoor et al). 27, Feb

Tips on helping your infant or young child use an inhaler (Parent Guide). 168, Oct


ADHD: Resources for parents (Gephart, Green). 133, Sep

"At least it's natural...." Herbs and dietary supplements in ADHD (Chan et al). 116, Sep

Helping children with learning disabilities toward a brighter adulthood (Gottesman, Kelly). 42, Nov


Autistic spectrum disorders: When traditional medicine is not enough (Hyman, Levy). 101, Oct


ADHD: Resources for parents (Gephart, Green). 133, Sep

Co-sleeping: Can we ever put the issue to rest? (Anderson) 98, Jun


Persistent Fever in a 6-year-old: Licking the diagnosis (ehrlichiosis; Puzzler; Garg et al). 27, Apr


ITP: How much treatment is enough? (Buchanan; CME) 112, Apr

Venous thrombosis: Issues for the pediatrician (Nuss, Manco-Johnson). 75, Feb

Why is this newborn bleeding? (Edelson, McKenzie; CME) 60, Jul


The milky way (Clinician's Crossword; Philipp et al). 123, Jun


Malpractice and emergency care: Doing right by the patient—and yourself (Selbst, Korin). 88, Jul

Reducing the toll of childhood burns (Rogers). 152, Apr


Rheumatic fever: No cause for complacence (Steeg et al). 128, Jan


How substandard housing affects children's health (Sandel, Zotter). 134, Oct


Pediatric Dermatology: What's your DX? (nevus lipomatosus cutaneous superficialis; Dimson et al) 41, Apr

When atopic dermatitis is hard to control (Sidbury, Hanifin). 39, Jul


A better use for Q-Tips. 192, Apr

A little extra time with twins avoids confusion later. 180, Oct.

A rational way to ration TV. 145, Jan

A reassuring loss of face. 148, Feb

A winning combination for med storage. 160, May

Another use of the otoscope: Auscultation. 152, Jan

Bottle to cup: A formula for an easy transition. 118, Aug

Cutting a bandage problem down to size. 147, Feb

Down the hatch without a hitch. 117, Aug

Eye treatments made easier: An end to squirming. 195, Mar

Eye treatments made easier: Put warmth and gravity to work. 195, Mar

Exam rooms with something special. 168, May

Extra protection from diaper rash. 147, Jan

For best results, don't drop the nose drops. 108, Jul

Handy handouts help get the dose right. 132, Jun

Heavy duty protection from diaper rash. 147, Jan

How to help autistic children cope with checkups. 136, Nov

How to keep exams of autistic children humming along. 132, Nov

Is it double vision, or a miscount? 126, Aug

It comes right out, by gum! 183, Apr

Mineral oil: A tasteless solution. 138, Sep

New patient? Try the indirect approach. 188, Oct

Pass the salt, please. 140, Dec

Scoring a goal against vocal cord abuse. 137, Sep

Three cheers for this oral exam. 124, Jun

Thumbs up for smooth injections. 164, May

Watching warts go up in "smoke." 159, May


Pediatrics and the Human Genome Project (Johnson, Robin; CME). 100, May

Pediatric dermatology: What's your DX? (longitudinal melanonychia; Cohen) 31, Oct

Strabismus: Getting it straight (Bacal; Wilson). 49, Feb

Venous thrombosis: Issues for the pediatrician (Nuss, Manco-Johnson). 75, Feb


An 11-year old with fever and arm pain: Make rheum for the diagnosis (systemic lupus erythematosis; Puzzler; Winter et al). 25, May


What every pediatrician needs to know about lung transplants in children (Faro). 61, Aug


Books for children whose pet has died (Bookshelf; Rivlin). 179, Apr

Sharing bad news with parents (Serwint, Rutherford). 45, Mar


Fluorides: Getting the benefits, avoiding the risks (Hale, Heller). 121, Feb


When SSRIs make sense (Walsh, McDougle). 83, Jan


Amenorrhea and acne in the adolescent girl: Is it polycystic ovary syndrome? (Stashwick; CME) 118, Oct

Artificial fingernails: Too hot to handle (Shaikh, Nucci). 99, Nov

Back to basics: Caring for the newborn's skin (Mendenhall, Eichenfield). 98, Aug

How to care for your newborn's skin (Parent Guide). 108, Aug

ITP: How much treatment is enough? (Buchanan; CME) 112, Apr

Pediatric Dermatology: What's your DX? (herpes whitlow; Cohen) 37, Jan

Pediatric Dermatology: What's your DX? (infantile acne; Cohen) 29, Jul

Pediatric Dermatology: What's your DX? (nevus lipomatosus cutaneous superficialis; Dimson et al) 41, Apr

Pediatric dermatology: What's your DX? (longitudinal melanonychia; Cohen) 31, Oct

Poison ivy update (Epstein et al). 54, Apr

Stay away from poison ivy! (Parent Guide) 71, Apr

Treating vascular birthmarks with laser surgery (Achauer, Vanderkam). 91, Mar

When atopic dermatitis is hard to control (Sidbury, Hanifin). 39, Jul

When the road gets bumpy: Managing chronic urticaria (Leickly). 58, May


A 14-month-old with polyuria and polydipsia: Searching for buried treasure (Langerhans' cell histiocytosis; Puzzler; Dveirin Tunnessen). 23, Oct

Managing diabetic ketoacidosis—a delicate balance (Hafeez, Vuguin; CME). 72, Jun


Eosinophilia: What does it mean? (Auletta, Shurin) 61, Jun

Getting a jump on flu: New options in diagnosis and treatment (Benjamin). 75, Jan


"At least it's natural...." Herbs and dietary supplements in ADHD (Chan et al). 116, Sep


A bellyache (Clinician's Crossword; Callanan). 136, Sep

Vomiting in infancy: When should you worry? (Murray, Christie) 81, Sep


Four controversies in pediatric asthma care (Steinbach). 150, Oct

Getting a jump on flu: New options in diagnosis and treatment (Benjamin). 75, Jan

How to use an inhaler (Patient Guide). 167, Oct

Tips on helping your infant or young child use an inhaler (Parent Guide). 168, Oct

When SSRIs make sense (Walsh, McDougle). 83, Jan


When earaches and sore throats are more than a pain in the neck (Skoda-Smith, Barrett; CME). 156, Mar


A future for pediatrics (McMillan). 9, Feb

Delayed gratification. (McMillan). 9 Dec

Goodbye, Cathy—and thank you (McMillan). 9, Nov

Knowledge is power (McMillan). 9, May

Millennium matters (McMillan). 9, Jan

Minimizing risk (McMillan). 9, Aug

Parental allies (McMillan). 9, Oct

Raising Elian (McMillan). 9, Jun

The competent pediatrician (McMillan). 9, Sep

The love of science (McMillan). 9, Mar

Too much, too little—when what's needed is just right (McMillan). 9, Apr

Under construction (McMillan). 9, Jul


Acute onset of cyanosis in a 6-year-old: Sharpen up the old saw (gastroesophageal reflux; Puzzler; Clauss et al). 20, Jun

Artificial fingernails: Too hot to handle (Shaikh, Nucci). 99, Nov

Breath-holding spells: Scary but not serious (Anderson, Bluestone). 61, Jan

How humanitarian disasters affect children (Olness). 79, Apr

How substandard housing affects children's health (Sandel, Zotter). 134, Oct

Magnets in the ED (Jacobson). 145, Feb

Malpractice and emergency care: Doing right by the patient—and yourself (Selbst, Korin). 88, Jul

Managing diabetic ketoacidosis—a delicate balance (Hafeez, Vuguin; CME). 72, Jun

Managing meconium aspiration (Fuloria, Wiswell). 125, Apr

Nursemaid's elbow: Pulling out the diagnosis (Waanders et al). 87, Jun

Reducing the toll of childhood burns (Rogers). 152, Apr

Sports concussions: Coming to the right conclusions (Perriello, Barth; CME). 132, Feb

The adolescent with a painful scrotum (Adelman, Joffe). 111, Mar

The child who has breath-holding spells (Parent Guide). 67, Jan

The toxic toddler: Drugs that can kill in small doses (Osterhoudt). 73, Mar

Vomiting in infancy: When should you worry? (Murray, Christie) 81, Sep


Endocrine nondisease: Pituitary and other imposters (part 2; Kappy). 63, Nov

Is it an endocrine disorder or a "nondisease"? (part 1; Kappy) 83, Oct

Managing diabetic ketoacidosis—a delicate balance (Hafeez, Vuguin; CME). 72, Jun


Malpractice and emergency care: Doing right by the patient—and yourself (Selbst, Korin). 88, Jul


Strabismus: Getting it straight (Bacal; Wilson). 49, Feb

Books for children who wear eyeglasses (Bookshelf; Rivlin). 127, Nov


Acute onset of cyanosis in a 6-year-old: Sharpen up the old saw (gastroesophageal reflux; Puzzler; Clauss et al). 20, Jun

Chronic diarrhea in a 15-month-old: Shedding "lyte" on the diagnosis (neuroblastoma on adrenal gland; Puzzler; Thomburg, Tunnessen). 42, Jan

Practical approaches to common gastrointestinal symptoms (Fleisher). 89, Apr

Update on intussusception (Orenstein). 180, Mar

Vomiting in infancy: When should you worry? (Murray, Christie) 81, Sep


Pediatrics and the Human Genome Project (Johnson, Robin; CME). 100, May


Amenorrhea and acne in the adolescent girl: Is it polycystic ovary syndrome?(Stashwick; CME) 118, Oct

Current approaches to the undescended testicle (Ferrer, McKenna; CME). 106, Jan

Daytime wetting: Getting to the bottom of the issue (Casale). 107, Feb

Diagnosing and treating adolescent endometriosis (Propst, Laufer). 71, Sep

Hemolytic uremic syndrome: Reducing the risks (Varade; CME). 54, Sep

Recognizing and treating the nephrotic syndrome: Avoid unnecessary delays (Hogg et al). 84 Nov

The adolescent with a painful scrotum (Adelman, Joffe). 111, Mar


Daytime wetting: Getting to the bottom of the issue (Casale). 107, Feb

Endocrine nondisease: Pituitary and other imposters (part 2; Kappy). 63, Nov


Recurrent, severe wheezing in a 17-year-old: Seeking a new chord (vocal chord dysfunction; Puzzler; Kapoor et al). 27, Feb


A 14-month-old with polyuria and polydipsia: Searching for buried treasure (Langerhans' cell histiocytosis; Puzzler; Dveirin, Tunnessen). 23, Oct


A new approach to early discharge (Lareau). 73, Oct

Newborn discharge: A time to be especially thoughtful (Arnold, Bernstein). 47, Oct


What's new in the 2000 immunization schedule. 32, Jan

When parents resist immunizations (Dias, Marcuse). 75, Jul


An ataxic teen with rapidly changing eye findings (Guillain-Barré, Miller Fisher variant; Puzzler; Richter, Tunnessen). 23, Jul

Eosinophilia: What does it mean? (Auletta, Shurin) 61, Jun

Getting a jump on flu: New options in diagnosis and treatment (Benjamin). 75, Jan

Hemolytic uremic syndrome: Reducing the risks (Varade; CME). 54, Sep

Infection control in the office: Keeping germs at bay (Waggoner-Fountain, Donowitz). 43, Sep

Lethargy and nuchal rigidity in a 5-month old: A call for early warning systems (tuberculosis; Puzzler; Shet et al). 27, Mar

PANDAS? Or PAND? Or both? Or neither? (Kaplan) 81, Aug

Pediatric Dermatology: What's your DX? (herpes whitlow; Cohen) 37, Jan

Persistent Fever in a 6-year-old: Licking the diagnosis (ehrlichiosis; Puzzler; Garg et al). 27, Apr

Recognizing infection-related arthritis (Lee, Hall). 119, May

Rheumatic fever: No cause for complacence (Steeg et al). 128, Jan

Seizures in a 17-year old: No fun for this guy (Aspergillus; Puzzler; Lee et al). 27, Aug

What's new in the 2000 immunization schedule. 32, Jan

When earaches and sore throats are more than a pain in the neck (Skoda-Smith, Barrett; CME). 156, Mar


Meeting the challenge of rheumatologic diseases in teens (Gottlieb, Ilowite). 61, Dec

Recognizing infection-related arthritis (Lee, Hall). 119, May


Hemolytic uremic syndrome: Reducing the risks (Varade; CME). 54, Sep

Recognizing and treating the nephrotic syndrome: Avoid unnecessary delays (Hogg et al). 84 Nov


Treating vascular birthmarks with laser surgery (Achauer, Vanderkam). 91, Mar


How substandard housing affects children's health (Sandel, Zotter). 134, Oct


Artificial fingernails: Too hot to handle (Shaikh, Nucci). 99, Nov

How substandard housing affects children's health (Sandel, Zotter). 134, Oct


Pediatric referrals on the (surprise!) upswing. 97, Feb


Amenorrhea and acne in the adolescent girl: Is it polycystic ovary syndrome?(Stashwick; CME) 118, Oct

Diagnosing and treating adolescent endometriosis (Propst, Laufer). 71, Sep


An 11-year old with fever and arm pain: Make rheum for the diagnosis (systemic lupus erythematosis; Puzzler; Winter et al). 25, May

Meeting the challenge of rheumatologic diseases in teens (Gottlieb, Ilowite). 61, Dec

Nursemaid's elbow: Pulling out the diagnosis (Waanders et al). 87, Jun


A new approach to early discharge (Lareau). 73, Oct

Aunt vs. physician: Role strain in action (Dolan). 169, Mar

Back to basics: Caring for the newborn's skin (Mendenhall, Eichenfield). 98, Aug

Current approaches to the undescended testicle (Ferrer, McKenna; CME). 106, Jan

Fetal intervention: Where we are, where we're going (Walsh, Adzick). 33, Jun

Helping the baby exposed to cocaine before birth (Parent Guide). 53, May

How to care for your newborn's skin (Parent Guide). 108, Aug

Managing meconium aspiration (Fuloria, Wiswell). 125, Apr

Newborn discharge: A time to be especially thoughtful (Arnold, Bernstein). 47, Oct

Prenatal cocaine: What's known about outcomes? (Blatt et al) 43, May

Vomiting in infancy: When should you worry? (Murray, Christie) 81, Sep

Why is this newborn bleeding? (Edelson, McKenzie; CME) 60, Jul


A 22-month old with abnormal movements of the legs: A novel dance (opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome; Puzzler; Caruso et al). 27, Sep

Chronic diarrhea in a 15-month-old: Shedding "lyte" on the diagnosis (neuroblastoma on adrenal gland; Puzzler; Thomburg, Tunnessen). 42, Jan


A 22-month old with abnormal movements of the legs: A novel dance (opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome; Puzzler; Caruso et al). 27, Sep

An ataxic teen with rapidly changing eye findings (Guillain-Barré, Miller Fisher variant; Puzzler; Richter, Tunnessen). 23, Jul

Seizures in a 17-year old: No fun for this guy (Aspergillus; Puzzler; Lee et al). 27, Aug

Sports concussions: Coming to the right conclusions (Perriello, Barth; CME). 132, Feb


Bringing a formidable opponent down to size (Sondike et al). 132, May

How to control your weight (Parent Guide). 139, May

Is it an endocrine disorder or a "nondisease"? (part 1; Kappy) 83, Oct


Helping the baby exposed to cocaine before birth. 53, May

How to care for your newborn's skin. 108, Aug

How to control your weight. 139, May

How to help your baby sleep peacefully. 121, Jun

How to use an inhaler. 167, Oct

Stay away from poison ivy! 71, Apr

The child who has breath-holding spells. 67, Jan

Tips on helping your infant or young child use an inhaler. 168, Oct

When your child has been sedated. 51, Aug


Co-sleeping: Can we ever put the issue to rest? (Anderson) 98, Jun

How to help your baby sleep peacefully (Parent Guide). 121, Jun

The milky way (Clinician's Crossword; Philipp et al). 123, Jun

When parents resist immunizations (Dias, Marcuse). 75, Jul


Making handouts easy to read (McComb et al). 145, Apr


Aunt vs. physician: Role strain in action (Dolan). 169, Mar

Beyond 2000: Tomorrow's office technologies today (Schuman). 116, Jan

Making handouts easy to read (McComb et al). 145, Apr

Malpractice and emergency care: Doing right by the patient—and yourself (Selbst, Korin). 88, Jul

Pediatric referrals on the (surprise!) upswing. 97, Feb

Sharing bad news with parents (Serwint, Rutherford). 45, Mar


The toxic toddler: Drugs that can kill in small doses (Osterhoudt). 73, Mar

Prenatal cocaine: What's known about outcomes? (Blatt et al) 43, May


Back to basics: Caring for the newborn's skin (Mendenhall, Eichenfield). 98, Aug

Bringing a formidable opponent down to size (Sondike et al). 132, May

Helping adolescents prevent unintended pregnancy (Jenkins, Raine). 75, May

How to care for your newborn's skin (Parent Guide). 108, Aug

How to control your weight (Parent Guide). 139, May

Infection control in the office: Keeping germs at bay (Waggoner-Fountain, Donowitz). 43, Sep


ADHD: Resources for parents (Gephart, Green). 133, Sep

Autistic spectrum disorders: When traditional medicine is not enough (Hyman, Levy). 101, Oct

Co-sleeping: Can we ever put the issue to rest? (Anderson) 98, Jun

How humanitarian disasters affect children (Olness). 79, Apr

How to help your baby sleep peacefully (Parent Guide). 121, Jun

Sharing bad news with parents (Serwint, Rutherford). 45, Mar


When SSRIs make sense (Walsh, McDougle). 83, Jan


Four controversies in pediatric asthma care (Steinbach). 150, Oct

How to use an inhaler (Patient Guide). 167, Oct

Tips on helping your infant or young child use an inhaler (Parent Guide). 168, Oct

What every pediatrician needs to know about lung transplants in children (Faro). 61, Aug


Books for children who wear eyeglasses (Bookshelf; Rivlin). 127, Nov

Books for children whose pet has died (Bookshelf; Rivlin). 179, Apr

Helping children with learning disabilities toward a brighter adulthood (Gottesman, Kelly). 42, Nov


Meeting the challenge of rheumatologic diseases in teens (Gottlieb, Ilowite). 61, Dec


Helping children with learning disabilities toward a brighter adulthood (Gottesman, Kelly). 42, Nov


Sports concussions: Coming to the right conclusions (Perriello, Barth). 132, Feb


Practical approaches to common gastrointestinal symptoms (Fleisher). 89, Apr


Helping the baby exposed to cocaine before birth (Parent Guide). 53, May

Prenatal cocaine: What's known about outcomes? (Blatt et al) 43, May


Fetal intervention: Where we are, where we're going (Walsh, Adzick). 33, Jun

Pediatric sedation: Seeing patients safely through (Pena, Krauss; CME). 42, Aug

Treating vascular birthmarks with laser surgery (Achauer, Vanderkam). 91, Mar

What every pediatrician needs to know about lung transplants in children (Faro). 61, Aug

When your child has been sedated (Parent Guide). 51, Aug


Beyond 2000: Tomorrow's office technologies today (Schuman). 116, Jan

New products for pediatrics 2000. 41, Dec


Lethargy and nuchal rigidity in a 5-month old: A call for early warning systems (tuberculosis; Puzzler; Shet et al). 27, Mar


Guns and violence (Clinician's Crossword; Englander, Carraccio). 193, Mar

How humanitarian disasters affect children (Olness). 79, Apr


Julia McMillan. Annual index. Contemporary Pediatrics 2000;12:136.

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