In a conference last week, President Obama announced a new Web site to help raise awareness about the issue. This is part of an effort to encourage cooperation between government agencies and educators to protect children from bullying based on race, ethnicity, disability, or sexuality. Are you an advocate for prevention? Share your antibullying efforts with colleagues.
In a conference last week, President Obama announced a new Web site to help raise awareness about the issue. This is part of an effort to encourage cooperation between government agencies and educators to protect children from bullying based on race, ethnicity, disability, or sexuality. Mr Obama told students, parents, teachers, and advocates of prevention measures that the goal of the conference was "to dispel the myth that bullying is just a harmless rite of passage or an inevitable part of growing up." (see NY Times article)
How to Stop the Bullying
It may be tempting to consider bullying as solely a school problem and leave it in the teacher’s hands. However, many adverse health effects have been described as occurring with greater frequency in both bullies and their victims.
It Takes a Village to Treat ADHD: Community and Clinical Collaborations
Children may have difficulty in paying attention at school if they are the target of bullying. Children with ADHD are often socially awkward and reluctant to tell others when they are victimized.
“HEADDS” Up on Talking With Teenagers
While time with patients is limited, pediatricians need to build a rapport that permits a glimpse into the adolescent’s real concerns. Here David S. Reitman, MD presents a basic framework for obtaining the relevant psychosocial information that is important for maintaining a teenager’s well-being.
Have you helped a child or adolescent who has been the victim of bullying? What are the signs that someone may be a target of bullying? Share your experience and resources with colleagues.