Ecstasy and other so-called club drugs have caught on with many teens and young adults. Here&s what you need to know to counsel your patients about the dangers?including date rape?of this risky kind of recreation.
Detectable THC biomarkers among children via in-home, second-hand cannabis smoke
Detectable TTE in children's urine were 'significantly higher' in homes with reported in-home cannabis smoking.
Food Insecurity and the Dangers of Infant Formula Dilution
New study identifies biomarkers that could prevent sudden infant death syndrome
UVA researchers identify key blood biomarkers linked to SIDS, paving the way for life-saving tests to detect and prevent this leading cause of death among infants.
Demystifying Infant Formula
Study: No association between montelukast and neuropsychiatric adverse event risk
"In aggregation with other robust observational studies, these results can inform the management of asthma and allergic rhinitis in this patient group," wrote the study authors.
A summary of REACH mental health training