August in the nation’s capital is, as always, hot, hot, hot-and members of Congress would nodoubt rather be anywhere else. At present, however, concerns over how to constrain some ofthe administration’s anti-terrorist activities in the interest of preserving civil liberties and createreasonable, enforceable immigration regulations keep them hard at work.
Artificial intelligence improves congenital heart defect detection on prenatal ultrasounds
January 31st 2025AI-assisted software improves clinicians' detection of congenital heart defects in prenatal ultrasounds, enhancing accuracy, confidence, and speed, according to a study presented at SMFM's Annual Pregnancy Meeting.
Having "the talk" with teen patients
June 17th 2022A visit with a pediatric clinician is an ideal time to ensure that a teenager knows the correct information, has the opportunity to make certain contraceptive choices, and instill the knowledge that the pediatric office is a safe place to come for help.