This 15-year-old girl does not appear to be in any acute distress, but her cautious gait reminds you of a person walking in the dark.
Atypical presentations of Mycoplasma pneumoniae amid a local outbreak
M pneumoniae infection is not a reportable disease, and testing is often not performed in the outpatient setting, limiting estimates of clinical prevalence and delaying recognition of community epidemics.
Food Insecurity and the Dangers of Infant Formula Dilution
Weekly review: New delgocitinib data for eczema, FDA action items, more
Get caught up with Contemporary Pediatrics! This list helps you navigate our top stories from the week, all in one place.
Demystifying Infant Formula
FDA grants rezpegaldesleukin fast track to treat moderate, severe atopic dermatitis
The investigational biologic targets the interleukin-2 receptor complex in the body in order to stimulate proliferation of inhibitory immune cells.
Beyond taste: How the 5 senses shape a child’s appetite
Colleen Sloan, PA-C, RDN, discussed how the 5 senses can affect a child's appetite, as well as how to use food play to get children to try new foods.