A listing of camps throughout the US for diabetic children.
The typical lunch at summer camp may be chicken nuggets, tater tots, and bug juice. Nothing but sugar and carbohydrates, in other words, which children with diabetes can't pig out on. Diabetic kids may look like any other kids, but their medical needs (glucose tests, insulin shots) and limitations (some may have retinopic issues, for instance) make it sometimes tough for them to simply be kids. Hence, diabetes camps. Some are day camps, some are sleepaway camps. Many receive funding from the American Diabetes Association to help keep the cabin doors open.
Bearskin Meadow Camp: http://www.dyf.org/
Location: Concord, Calif.
Camp Casey: http://www.diabetescamp.net/
Location: Sedona, Ariz.
Camp Fun in the Sun: http://www.campfuninthesun.org/
Location: Spokane, Wash.
Camp Hope: http://www.home.bresnan.net/~camphope/camphopeinc./
Location: Casper, Wyo.
Camp Kakhamela: http://www.diabetes.ca/section_services/camp-k.asp
Location: British Columbia.
Camp Stix: http://www.campstix.org/index
Location: Spokane, Wash.
Diabetes Family Camp at Sea: http://www.continuingeducation.net/coursedetails.php?program_number=472:
Location: From Seattle to Alaska.
Diabetes Society Camp Program: http://www.thediabetessociety.org/
Location: throughout the San Jose area.
Native America Youth Wellness Camp: http://www.fcm.arizona.edu/research/nartc/diabetes_camp.htm
Location: Prescott, Ariz.
The Painted Turtle: http://www.thepaintedturtle.org/turtle/
Location: Santa Monica, Calif.
Camp Floyd Rogers: http://www.campfloydrogers.com/
Location: Omaha, Neb.
Camp Hendon: http://www.camphendon.com/
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio.
Camp Hertzo Hollow: http://www.camphertkohollow.com/
Location: Des Moines, Iowa.
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September 13th 2024The landmark indication is supported by a couple of pivotal trials assessing dupilumab for patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps, as well as a pediatric severe asthma trial assessing the biologic.