These links offer information on treatment, diagnosis, and help in communicating information on pediatric cardiac ailments to parents.
CPR-Pediatric Cardiology
Contemporary Pediatrics Resources
As Dr. Galioto points out, most chest pains in children are mere chest wall injuries, often received from sports or other activities. But sometimes it's not as simple as a pulled muscle. The list of possible pediatric cardiac ailments range from a simple and usually benign heart murmur to hypoplastic left heart syndrome. These links offer information on treatment, diagnosis, and help in communicating to parents.
The Association for European Pediatric Cardiology:
Learn from experts in the field throughout Europe.
Canadian Pediatric Cardiology Association:
Its site is available in both English and French.
CHASER (Congenital Heart Anomalies, Support, Education, Resources):
CHASER News was a newsletter for congenital heart news. Archived issues are available.
Children's Health:
The American Heart Association's page for pediatric cardiology.
Congenital Cardiology Today:
A monthly newsletter for the pediatric cardiology community.
Congenital Heart Information Network:
Offering support to families of children with congenital heart defects.
Congenital Heart Surgeons Society:
A charity to help heart surgeons treat congenital heart defects.
The Heart Encyclopedia:
Sponsored by the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, and compiled by its expert staff.
The Heart Institute for Children:
Founded by University of Chicago, Northwestern University, and Loyola University pediatric cardiologists.
Heart to Heart:
An international charity for children in developing countries with congenital heart defects.
Italian Society of Pediatric Cardiology:
Site available only in Italian.
Kids Health:
Three sites in one, giving parents, young children, and teens their own specialized write-ups on what is happening inside their bodies.