Questioning the data on outcomes and satisfaction with PNP care. Bedwetting dishonesty can't be justified. Prevalance of autism: What the data show.
Lidocaine gel eases the pain of removing an entrapped zipper
"Less pain and no need for sedation are major benefits," said Jon Matthew Farber, MD, in this edition of Journal Club.
Food Insecurity and the Dangers of Infant Formula Dilution
FDA accepts BLA for lerodalcibep for lowering LDL-cholesterol in patients with ASCVD
Demystifying Infant Formula
Beyond taste: How the 5 senses shape a child’s appetite
Colleen Sloan, PA-C, RDN, discussed how the 5 senses can affect a child's appetite, as well as how to use food play to get children to try new foods.
Educating your patients about the dangers of frostbite
Shriners Children’s Boston warns patients and their parents about frostbite risks, offering tips on prevention, signs, and treatment to keep kids safe in extreme cold.