February 6th 2025
A look into nutrition's role in acne care, highlighted by Colleen Sloan, PA-C, RDN.
A Tethered Approach to Type 2 Diabetes Care – Connecting Insulin Regimens with Digital Technology
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Surv.AI Says™: What Clinicians and Patients Are Saying About Glucose Management in the Technology Age
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Addressing Healthcare Inequities: Tailoring Cancer Screening Plans to Address Inequities in Care
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Cases and Conversations™: Applying Best Practices to Prevent Shingles in Your Practice
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Infection control in the office: Keeping germs at bay
September 1st 2000Minimizing the risk that your patients and employees will acquire a contagious disease in your office demands diligent infection control. This review summarizes guidelines and offers recommendations that can reduce the spread of infection?from what soap and lotion to use for handwashing to what immunizations your office staff need.
Hemolytic uremic syndrome: Reducing the risks
September 1st 2000Though not as deadly as it once was, HUS remains a serious threat to young children, with a real risk of dangerous complications. Continuing outbreaks caused by E coli O157:H7 highlight the need for accurate diagnosis, intensive supportive care, and effective prevention.
What every pediatrician needs to know about lung transplants in children
August 1st 2000Despite some formidable obstacles, lung transplantation has become an accepted treatment for children with end-stage lung disease caused by conditions such as cystic fibrosis. Do you have a patient who could benefit?
Back to basics: Caring for the newborn's skin
August 1st 2000Parents look to pediatricians for advice on bathing their newborn and avoiding diaper rash. Discolorations and lesions (usually benign) are another concern. This review also updates the best way to care for the umbilical cord and addresses special skin-care considerations in premature infants.
Recognizing infection-related arthritis
May 1st 2000Arthritis can be caused by a range of viruses or other infectious agents, or develop in the wake of an enteric, genitourinary, or respiratory tract infection. Knowing the possible causes and typical signs and symptoms of infection-related arthritides helps make the diagnosis.
When earaches and sore throats are more than a pain in the neck
March 1st 2000Children who exceed their expected share of infections conjure up a host of differential diagnoses, from allergies to a primary immune defect. The authors walk you through the workup you need to do to get at the source of the problem.
PEDIATRIC PUZZLER: Recurrent, severe wheezing in a 17-year-old: Seeking a new chord
February 1st 2000You have been asked to see a 17-year-old young woman with recurrent life-threatening episodes of asthma. She was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit two days earlier with profound dyspnea, her seventh ICU admission and tenth hospitalization since her asthma symptoms began when she was 9 years old.
Shark cartilage, cat's claw, and other complementary cancer therapies
November 1st 1999Alternative therapies seem to thrive where mainstream medicine is most challenged. The focus here is on herbs and supplements used to treat childhood cancers?why they're used, what families hope for from them, and how the evidence stacks up.
More than a gut reaction: Extraintestinal complications of IBD
October 1st 1999Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis are not confined to the gastrointestinal tract. Growth failure, painful joints, and oral or skin lesions are just a few of the nonintestinal signs and symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease that can help you make a diagnosis-- sometimes even before GI problems appear.
Pediatric Dermatology: What's your DX?
October 1st 1999A 3-month-old girl is brought to your office with diarrhea, poor weight gain, and hair loss. She was thriving until a month ago, when her parents said she became chronically irritable and developed loose stools and a scaly rash on her face and in the diaper area.
How would you handle these newborns?
June 1st 1999General pediatricians do not always have access to a neonatologist when they need one. This case-based review will refresh and update your knowledge of how to approach neonatal problems ranging from the need for resuscitation to development of a rash.